Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Life goes on....contd....

"Karthik, leaving so early, wait wait, have a cup of coffee...2 minutes.." her mother was very caring as she always was. He felt a bit guilty.

"That’s okay aunty, got to go and study, came in to see why Shruthi did not come to school..." He literally ran out of the house.

That night seemed to be the longest night for Karthik. Every incident that involved Shruti, big and small, played across his eyes….the school bus they shared, the games they played, the little arguments they were involved in, the competitions they fought…..and now the incidents of the past two days…..’what if she says No’….’No, she wont….she can’t say No to me’…he was pretty sure that she will accept him, that too after all that happened today.

It was a bright morning after a rainy night. It was warm. Everything around seemed fresh and so was Karthik. He was ready to school earlier than he usually is.

Shruthi also had turned up pretty early to school, and she seemed clear. They weren't able to communicate in school except for a few glances, as there were people around.

It was assembly and Karthik had only one prayer - " God, Shruthi has to accept my proposal...please...please....I've always been a good person...haven't done anything I should live a happy life...for that.......god know me...and what I want.....Shruthi has to accept....she'll be happy too....please god..."

It was second hour - Biology. The moment the teacher entered the class...automatically Karthik and Shruthi looked at each other. 'She is indeed a beautiful woman, good observation...' this was what Shruthi's little smile indicate Karthik.

Karthik was now pretty relaxed....he knew what was going to come. He is going to be that lucky person and was already thanking god for accepting his prayers.

It was lunch....and students were having lunch in groups at every possible place - the cycle shed, under the tree, the class rooms, the play ground...everywhere.
And already a few students had finished lunch and were running along the corridors and a few playing in the ground.....

“I was waiting for this time, from the morning....."

"So do I, Karthik."

"Have you decided...?"

"What do you think?"

"Shruthi...please....not in a position to sustain the suspense anymore...."

"Karthik, I want you to do excellently well in the board exams....I want you to not only top the school but the whole board as you always said you will"

"I will, Shruthi. I definitely will....and....."

"I always liked you Karthik. Always."


"Let us continue this way till we finish school. As you said, just a couple of years....and once we get through our college......."

"And after college, we'll marry - yeah??"

"Yeah.....but for that we need to do well in school and college and get a good job....that will make our parents proud...and maybe that will overshadow our decision to marry.....they'll be happy for us...."

Karthik had the moment of his life. He was a happy man.

"Thank you so much'll see the real Karthik in the upcoming exams.....and also in eleventh and twelfth...."

Shruthi stood there silently. She wasn't exactly relaxed.....

Bell rang and students ran back to classes, so did Karthik and Shruthi.

Shruthi sat there in class looking at Karthik. He was literally very happy....he turned towards her time and again and chipped in a smile. She was confident that he'll do excellently well, as promised.....

She felt a bit guilty.....but convinced herself that what she did was for good. She wanted Kathik to do was because of that, she did not tell him the fact that all she spoke to karthik today were what her mom wanted her to talk.

Her mother had noticed that Karthik had some problem and also her daughter, so she had walked into her room yesterday and slowly enquired her daughter about the problem...... and Shruthi broke down...telling her all that had happened......

"My mom also wanted to meet you folks there karthik. When did you people change the house...would love to go back to our colony and see the places where we spent all our childhood days. Man I am dying to see our school.....hey do u remember our biology mam..what's her name..yeah Shanthi mam..." she giggled....

"Yes, I do. And when you come down to chennai...we'll go to our school sometime...."

"And man, your status says you are committed...who's that lucky girl dude???"

Even Shruthi did not know that her mom had discussed all that happened with Karthik's mom who was shocked to know all that had happened. And she was upset that she did not know of all these before. She was worried that she was not able to help her son when he was in trouble. But she made it a point not to let him know that she knows about this and at the same time made all efforts to help him come out of this confused state and actually concentrate in his studies…

Karthik, as promised, did an excellent job. All he did was study and dream about their married life. It was just a week before the exams....and he was confident enough to perform well.....

The last day of the exam became the most crucial day of their lives. Every student around was happily shouting and running around to enjoy the vacation....and finally this most hyped board exam is over....students were in groups - some talking about their holiday plan...some discussing the day's question paper...some guys went behind their loved ones as they wont be meeting again for atleast a few was a happening day overall, for the students....

"I am so happy Shruthi. Finally done. Paper was pretty did you do??"

"Okay da. Fine...."

"Now expecting the may expect a rank-holder...." He laughed...but really meant it....he wanted to become a rank holder and also was confident about that.

"Wow Karthik, I like it man....but don’t forget us once your photo comes in paper and all...." she was actually casual...

"Don’t ever say that know I to go to our native today with the family to attend a temple function......the function starts tomorrow....and will last for a week......I'll somehow try to return as soon as the function is over...generally my mom would want me stay for a month......a month is too long isn't it...."

" are leaving today??" she seemed a little worried...

"Yeah, I have other choice.....I'll miss you very much Shruthi" he was worried too....

"What are your plans for the vacation - going out somewhere??"

"Don’t know da. No plans as father is busy with his office and I don’t understand what my parents talk....some problem in my father’s office, I I don’t know what our plans are....."

"Oh...Okay. I'll come back in a week....and see you then.....have a lot to talk...."

"Karthik, why aren't you talking anything da. Thinking of the past eh?? Good old days man...I treasure every minute of it...."


"And you never answered my question - committed eh???"

"And oh...I forgot to tell you the important bad of my memory...was actually carried away by the fact I am actually talking to u...emotional you see" she was literally blabbering....and she knew that…

"Sure da....enjoy your festival in native.....okay??"


By this time, they reached Shruthi’s house.

"Bye Shruthi, Take care. Will miss you."

"Sure da. Just a week...."

When Karthik was in his native, Shruthi's father got a transfer to Singapore and had to leave early....and as Shruthi had already finished with her exams and as they had their relatives in Singapore anyway....they decided to shift to Singapore this will be like a vacation in Singapore for Shruthi too.

Shruthi was first shocked. She was very much worried and wished she stayed here.....but she knew by this time, that this was not possible. She wanted to stay here atleast for a week till Karthik returns here....and that was more probable. Her mother understood her problem....and tried to convince her.....she knew what they had for each other was due to their age...and she also knew things would be okay soon. But Shruthi believed that she'll marry Karthik once they finish college and go to work.....still.

The week flew in no time as they had to make a lot of arrangements....the visa process was over and their tickets had arrived....they were supposed to leave the country in 2 days from now.......Karthik hadn't arrived in town as yet - Shruthi was worried. She wanted him to be back before she leaves the country.....

Karthik's grand-mom, cousins, uncles, aunties...everyone were present in his native but still his mind was searching for that one person....Shruthi...this crowded environment did give him a comfortable feeling anyway.....the whole crowd actually forced him to stay longer as it is once in a year that all of them meet...he had no other choice but to stay here for the whole month.....he was worried about his promise....also that he wont be able to see her for an other month.....

The last day in town....Shruthi had no other choice but to leave a message at his place that they have to leave to Singapore all of a sudden....she took down their address.....and was determined to write a letter once she reach Singapore.

It was nearly a month - The 10th standard CBSE results will be out in a day or two read the news paper. Karthik was nervous.....he wanted to do it....and he wanted to be in town when the results are out. He wanted Shruthi to be with him when he is declared a hero....a rank holder....Karthik and his parents started from the village......

Back in town after a month....Karthik's eyes were searching for Shruthi as soon as the auto entered the colony.....and then he looked into her house....just to see it locked. He thought to himself that she would have been disappointed that he did not return as promised, which she really did, and also she would have gone for a vacation somewhere with her family....

There were quite a few letters lying in their postbox as they returned after a month and his mom picket them up and scanned from where they were…and with them was this envelop marked ‘Air Mail’...."seems like a post from a foreign country" said his mom "Karthik, this is for you", she continued....

"For me??" he picked it from her and saw the Singapore stamp in that and immediately turned it back to see from whom it was....and once he saw her name in that, opened it in a flash to read the letter.....

Dear Karthik,

Reached Singapore 3 days back. Hope you are back in Madras. Was really worried that you hadn't made it in a week and I was expecting you. As already told in the note that I left for you, we had to leave to Singapore immediately. We are in my aunt’s place right now. I misss you very much. It seems I'll have to continue my studies here atleast for the next two years. Don’t worry, just two years, and I'll be back in Madras once the schooling is over. Miss you very much. Take care.

And the results will be coming in a few days it seems, pray for me, I'll pray for you getting a rank, I am sure you will. Miss you very much. Don’t know what else to write, will write to you once we go to our new house and give you the address. We'll talk over letters for the next two years...don’t worry.....don’t know what else to write......take care


Karthik was shaken by this letter. Before he realised, his mom handed over a piece of paper....this was here and is addressed to you....that was the note she was talking about.....

He did not believe his eyes. He did not expect anything of this sort…..he read that letter a hundred times and still it was hard for him to believe his eyes….he broke down.....and again his pillow helped him to get himself submerged......he looked out and walked towards her home just to cry again...and again....

"Karthik, I am getting married at the end of next month....will invite u, uncle and aunty in person when I am there.....make sure you are present......" She picked up guts and told this to him…she wasn’t comfortable…slowly she realised that she was crying….she was determined not to cry…but she wasn’t able to help herself…..but she managed not to show that across to the other end…

"Oh...thats a news for me. You are calling up after all these years to tell me that you are getting married....."

He had no other choice but to accept the fact.....Karthik had mixed emotions....he himself was engaged to a girl just 3 days back and was worrying through out this conversation about 'what if Shruthi comes back and says she still loves him and want to marry him' he knew it was a very rare possibility...but he thought there was a possibility....but on the other hand he was worried....for some reason...he was worried....His childhood love is getting married to someone else...the first and the only girl who had made an impact in him is getting the same time he felt happy for her...

"What is your guy doing" he wanted to sound normal and he actually managed to....


"Hey Shruthi...come-on...that’s okay....please....don’t cry now please......"

"I am sorry.....sorry..."

"He is a doctor and is practicing in Chicago...after marriage, I need to shift to Chicago..."

"Oh...that’s great"

"You know....I still have that first letter you gave me.....the first love letter...I felt like I am angel that day...."


"But you never replied for any of my letters.....I wrote to u an elaborate letter 3 months after I reached Singapore and was expecting to hear from you....and then a couple of never replied...."

"Actually, I wasn't feeling comfortable at all after you left...and we shifted house the very next did not get any of the letters except the first one…..I did go to the old house to check if there were any letters for me after that…but never got any…."


"You mom did a great job in convincing me....without her, it wouldn’t have been possible....she was the one who proposed a change in house....." he continued…

"And I did as I promised.....I topped class 10. Got second rank overall.....and first in class twelve...."

"I knew you would....I knew....."



"Karthik, Make sure you make it to the marriage. I'll come to your house sometime when I am in to meet aunty also...even my mother is eager......And you never answered about the committed status....any secrets??"

"Oh…Nothing secret actually…I got engaged too....just 2 days back....."

" never said that me that all this while....when is the marriage....who's the girl...what is she doing...."

Karthik told her the details......

"Nice Karthik. It feels very good, both of us getting married in the same time period…hey got to go, my roomie is yelling, she is waiting for me…...keep in touch...see you in person....."

"Sure Shruthi. Nice of you to call me. Hail Internet" He smiled..

She smiled too....

Karthik glanced at the clock putting down his read 7.40....

'Oops its time....' he got up quickly and ran towards his bathroom for picking up his tooth-brush.....he saw his face in the mirror and he looked fresh....

”mom, have u switched on the water heater…its getting late for me….”

Life goes on.........


Anonymous said...

first attempt?
er welll it is not bad. certainly not. started a bit awkwardly but picked up tempo later on and went on smoothly especially when depicting the emotional turbulence of a young boy.the story telling technique of mixing time interludes is a good idea but has to be clearer cut.the languaze has to be polished (slightly a wee bit sharpening of rough edges). on the whole a very commendable job .a simple adolescent love story simply told with a quiet passion

Sami AR said...

Thanks Anonymous! Your points well taken..and yes, I need to work quite a bit on polishing the whole thing, and I will!

Nice to see your comment - Thanks again :)

Maharaj said...

The story was nice sorta gripped towards the end and made me to keep going until i finished. :) good work. but some points...i feel you wrote this as you might write a screenplay...maybe you played it on a TV in your head! :p what i mean is, the differentiation between the past and the present with respect to the dialogues was a little unclear..i understood everything...but needed that extra effort to make the difference in the times. of course, language can be better...and will be once you write more. :) did notice a coupla wrong words used...spell check would not catch those...need to be more careful.

overall, very entertaining! A decent read! Keep writing man.

Sami AR said...

Thanks da. Was actually expecting your expert comments ;)

Yep, agree with you mostly and I myself did identify what you were talking of, when I went through it again. will work on the specified areas and mayb try writing more. Lets see how things work :)

Silly Sally said...
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Silly Sally said...

Hey Sami,
Good one to start with da....
Felt like hearing it from you live...
All the very best for fine tuning your choice of words and honing your skills of story telling and the art of perfecting the dialogue delivery.... :)

Sami AR said...

Thanks Manoj and Saloni for the comments!

Anonymous said...

great work!! considering its only ur first attempt.....twas interesting throughout...well...kinda got confused at times with the 'then-n-now' narration...but was a good read on the whole...keep working..good luck!:)