I am always a bit inclined towards school-life - maybe because I had a great school-life, both in Kalakshetra as well as Anna Gem. The two schools were completely different and i was lucky enough to be part of both the schools!
And why suddenly about the schools and school life - again??? Its because, I met a few people from Anna Gem in the form of get-together a couple of days back, and we had a GREAT time! We had a wonderful time there....actually getting to know each other :)
Emotions generally subside when in groups and exactly that had happened that day - no one was actually emotional - the ultimate aim was enjoyment, we enjoyed the moment and were happy that the plan had clicked! We joked along....recalled a few funny moments from school....and it was normal. Nothing was very special about it except for the people who were part of it...and I am sure that night when everything was over and when people went to bed,
thinking of what all had happened...and who all they met....the emotions would have taken over......the nostalgia would have creeped in....I dont know about the others, but it happened for me......I was taken back in time....It felt great...I wanted to run back to school......
A group of slightly grown up people re-living those good old school days was fantastic! An architect, business man, lecturer, director, sub-editor of a news paper and many other professionals.......getting along and laughing like hell for those silly lil school jokes....that was it.....that was this meeting all about, bringing back the kid in you, without much of masking......I found it very special because I did not have a compulsion to present myself....I mean, the people there knew me as a school-kid..that only means they knew the REAL me....yes, I have changed....but the basic still remains the same and that will remain the same - forever - for everyone!
The thoughts of the fare-well party, the school principal, the teachers, the labs...those rainy days when school was declared holiday...the cycle rides and more importantly - those funny discussions we had as if we knew everything...those arguements........the way the guys (who were part of the meeting) looked and behaved during school time especially with the uniform.....those lil fights....those funny jokes...the lunch breaks....the school corridor.....the competition between different teams (houses).....wow.........I re-lived the moments.....had wonderful time thinking of them.....it wasn't intentional...but I wasn't able to help it.....the aim of the g2g was fulfilled!
A few things have to be experienced and felt to be understood. My state of mind now is the same - experience and feel - and you'll feel the happiness.....the heart pounding and you longing for those days to come back again......and if you are reading this on a monday morning and if you are in a far away distance from home and friends..................................................do I need to say anything.......
And now take a look at the stills below........have a nice time!